Monado OpenXR Runtime
tracking Directory Reference

Trackers, filters and associated helper code.


Directory dependency graph for tracking:


file  t_calibration.cpp
 Calibration code.
file  t_calibration_opencv.hpp [code]
 OpenCV calibration helpers.
file  t_convert.cpp
 Code to build conversion tables and convert images.
file  t_data_utils.c
 Small data helpers for calibration.
file  t_debug_hsv_filter.cpp
 HSV filter debug code.
file  t_debug_hsv_picker.cpp
 HSV Picker Debugging code.
file  t_debug_hsv_viewer.cpp
 HSV debug viewer code.
file  t_file.cpp
 Handling of files and calibration data.
file  t_fusion.hpp [code]
 C++ sensor fusion/filtering code that uses flexkalman.
file  t_helper_debug_sink.hpp [code]
 Small helper struct that for debugging views.
file  t_hsv_filter.c
 A simple HSV filter.
file  t_imu.cpp
 IMU fusion implementation - for inclusion into the single kalman-incuding translation unit.
file  t_imu.h [code]
 C interface to basic IMU fusion.
file  t_imu_fusion.hpp [code]
 C++ sensor fusion/filtering code that uses flexkalman.
file  t_kalman.cpp
 Single compiled file for all kalman filter using source.
file  t_lowpass.hpp [code]
 Low-pass IIR filter.
file  t_lowpass_vector.hpp [code]
 Low-pass IIR filter on vectors.
file  t_tracker_psmv.cpp
 PS Move tracker code.
file  t_tracker_psmv_fusion.cpp
 PS Move tracker code that is expensive to compile.
file  t_tracker_psmv_fusion.hpp [code]
 PS Move tracker code.
file  t_tracker_psvr.cpp
 PSVR tracker code.
file  t_tracking.h [code]
 Tracking API interface.

Detailed Description

Trackers, filters and associated helper code.